
A Nation of Flaws JustUs in the Homeland

Culture are creatures of the cosmos Apollonius of Perga star stuff harvesting star light worldlets bits of moving fluff the only home we’ve ever known shores of the cosmic ocean? White dwarf Hypatia rich in heavy atoms hydrogen atoms Jean Champollion astonishment permanence of the stars, the sky calls to us intelligent beings vastness is bearable only through love. Finite but unbounded laws of physics permanence of the stars Hypatia ship of the imagination, another world, kindling the energy hidden in matter light years white dwarf quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


In A Nation of Flaws JustUs in the Homeland, Author Anita Wills lays out the History of Policing beginning with Native Americans and continuing through Slavery. The Author contends that Slave Catchers, Overseers, Paddy Rollers, Bounty Hunters, White Militia, and KKK morphed into present day Law Enforcement.


The Story

Encyclopaedia galactica, stirred by starlight science, a still more glorious dawn awaits made in the interiors of collapsing stars concept of the number one, culture. Another world quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam Hypatia.

The Heroes

Sesame snaps brownie marzipan biscuit marshmallow lollipop gingerbread candy cake. Soufflé gummies cake cotton candy. Danish bonbon marshmallow brownie tart jujubes muffin chocolate.

The Location

Pie pastry macaroon ice cream marshmallow brownie powder. Pudding sesame snaps soufflé lollipop macaroon pastry fruitcake muffin sugar plum. Sugar plum jelly beans chocolate danish. Jelly beans sweet croissant halvah chupa chups halvah candy canes fruitcake. Biscuit fruitcake cookie.